After 4 years of research & development the iKOMP project was successfully completed
iKOMP: “Strengthening of the regional research competencies related to future-oriented manufacturing technologies and products of strategic industries by a research and development program carried out in comprehensive collaboration” (VKSZ_12-1-2013-0038), started in 2014 to encourage the research and development (R&D) in the Western Hungarian region has been ended with success in 2017.
The research program consisted of ten, hierarchically organised sub-projects that can be ordered into background research, research based on technological R&D competences and high added value R&D outputs categories (see figure).
The consortium members have implemented 232 R&D projects; more than 25 organizations have worked on the tasks, with participation of approx. 200 researchers. The national and partly international cooperation network worked very well, it served with the professional basis for the activities. As a result, not only scientific outputs and publications but also concrete, industry-validated and applied results of the developments have been achieved.
The project was split into half-years’ tasks during the realisation. Consortium meetings were hold in every quarter at one of the members, each half-year was closed with a scientific workshop at SZTAKI and at the end of each year the practical, industrial implemented products were presented in the Opel Scientific Conference.
Beyond the nearly 100 published scientific publications and prototype systems more industrial solutions were also established in various forms. One new service, two novel technologies, four prototypes and one European patent were resulted in the following technological fields: special renewal technology, welding of internal parts of workpieces, new set-up time estimation for cutting, visual quality checking system, intelligent fixtures for welding, condition supervision system, personalised electric discharge manufacturing solution, construction and design of powertrains, machining of thin plates and lead free drilling.
Our colleagues from SZTAKI participated in research & development within the Artificial and engineering intelligence field in Intelligent manufacturing processes, Intelligent production-logistics and Cyber-physical systems; concerning Vehicles in Multivariable modelling of extreme loads; inside Machining and forming technologies in Electric discharge manufacturing of ceramics and Incremental sheet forming; for Electronics in Electrostatic discharge protection and modelling; inside the Intelligent process technologies in Production simulation, Visual supervision on plant level, Shop-floor business intelligence, Plant layout optimisation and finally Industry 4.0 readiness measurement and planning.