MTA SZTAKI: one of the winners of the Teaming call!
The Institute, with its „Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC)” application submitted with two faculties of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), i.e., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering ; with three outstanding institutes of the Fraunhofer Society (FhG) in the field of production (IPA-Stuttgart, IPK-Berlin, IPT-Aachen) and with the Fraunhofer Austria under the coordination of the N ational Innovation Office (NIH, from January 2015: NKFIH), won the support of the European Commission .
In this way, the Centre of Excellence title of SZTAKI given by the EU in 2001 has been confirmed again. The scientific objective of the project is design, control and management of robust, cooperative systems in the cyber-physical world, taking those trends into account which may lead to the 4 th industrial revolution ( Industrie 4.0 ).
The applied research / innovation objective of the proposal is to transfer the results achieved by SZTAKI and BME in the industry with the support of the Fraunhofer Society (FhG), which is rightly recognised as the world’s most successful network of institutes in the field of applied research. This technology transfer will be mainly accomplished through further strengthening the Fraunhofer-SZTAKI Project Centre on Production Management and Informatics (PMI) which was established by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and FhG in 2010, and is bound to be evolved into Fraunhofer Hungary in the course of the Teaming project.
The list of the winner proposals can be downloaded from here .