International Workshop EU-China on Scientific Computing, (Zaragoza, 26-28 November 2012.)
This event , organized within the framework of the EU-funded SCC-Computing project, pursued to: (1) foster scientific collaboration between Europe and China in the ICT field; (2) identify research challenges for further development of joint research projects in the area of computing systems; (2) influence and make contributions to strategic research planning on future European Research Frameworks (Horizon 2020). Peter Kacsuk 's ( MTA SZTAKI LPDS , University of Westminster ) p resentation title: SCI-BUS gateways for grid and cloud infrastructures . The paper is about user communities who would like to access several clouds and other distributed computing infrastructures (DCIs) in a transparent way but they do not want to learn the peculiar features of the used clouds. They want to concentrate on their scientific application and run it in the cloud in a transparent way. Therefore they need a science gateway. The presentation introduced to the science gateways (e.g. gUSE/WS-PGRADE from SZTAKI) applied in SCI-BUS project.