Visit to NICT (Japan)
Prof. József Bokor, Director in Science of the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) visited the headquarters of one of the most prestigious research institutes of Japan, the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) where he was warmly welcomed by Dr. Hiroshi Kumagai (Vice President), Dr. Yasuhiro Koyama (Director) and Mr. Masahiko Fujimoto (Executive Director). During the visit on 19 th of July, the scientific and R&D objectives as well as the developing relation of NICT with Hungary were emphasized.
The discussions were dedicated to consider, overview and identify possibilities of collaboration for joint research programmes. The meetings continued at the main research institutes of NICT including visits to laboratories at the Network Security Research Institute with the leadership of Dr. Y. Takahashi (Director General), and at the Photonic Network Research Institute lead by Dr. T. Miyazaki (Director General). Technical details of collaboration possibilities respective of research activities in the fields of cyber-security, quantum-ICT, new generation of computer architectures and network solutions were outlined.
The meetings were organized by Péter Baranyi (MTA SZTAKI) and Gábor Magyar (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, BME). Continuation of the scientific discussions is to be coordinated by Attila Erdős, Scientific and Technological attaché of the Embassy of Hungary in Tokyo in Japan.
This visit was also a good opportunity for MTA SZTAKI to express its intention to join the fundamental concepts of the “Memorandum of Understanding” (MoU) by BME and NICT, extended via the signing ceremony at the Embassy of Japan in Budapest, Hungary on 16 th April, 2012 .