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Accessibility and HTML5 Workshop at MTA SZTAKI on September 13, 2012

The workshop is planned for the interest of professors, academic researchers, IT professionals and PhD students, with the following program:

09:30 - 10:00: Registration

10:00 - 10:20: Welcome and introduction to W3C (Máté Pataki - W3C Hungarian Office)

10:20 - 11:50: HTML: Making of the Modern Web Platform (Michael Smith, W3C Japan – in English)

11:50 - 12:30: Coffee break

12:30 - 13:15: HTML5 from the perspective of “accessibility” (Károly Szántai - Akadá

13:15 - 13:45: Designing virtual games - Experience in EU Projects “GOET” and “StrokeBack” (Veronika Szűcs - Pannon University, Veszprém)

13:45 - 14:00: Break

14:00 - 14:45: HTML5 and accessibility in the courses and developments of ELTE IK (Andor Abonyi-Tóth, ELTE – Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

14:45 - 15.30: How to make Wordpress accessible (Péter Mátételki - MTA SZTAKI DSD)

15.30 - 15.50: Q&A session, closing the workshop

Participation is free, but registration is required at @email .