3rd IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications - Call for Papers & Call for Demonstration
We are happy to announce that the 3rd IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (IEEE CogInfoCom2012) will be held in Kosice, Slovakia at the premises of the Technical University of Kosice, on 2-5 December, 2012.
Scope: Cognitive infocommunications (IEEE CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of CogInfoCom is to provide a systematic view of how cognitive processes can co-evolve with infocommunications devices so that the capabilities of the human brain may not only be extended through these devices, irrespective of geographical distance, but may also interact with the capabilities of any artificially cognitive system. This merging and extension of cognitive capabilities is targeted towards engineering applications in which artificial and/or natural cognitive systems are enabled to work together more effectively. For more detailed information please visit the official home-site of cognitive infocommunications at www.coginfocom.hu .
The IEEE CogInfoCom 2012 organizing committee invites proposals for demonstrations to be given at the conference. The demonstrations provide a forum for researchers as well as industry participants to demonstrate working systems, applications, tools or showcases of basic technologies to the conference attendees. The goal of the demonstrations is to showcase a spectrum of applications ranging from research prototypes to pilot solutions and even products that use cognitive infocommunications technology and provide functionality in the context of cognitive learning and information technology. For submissions to this event, it is very important to describe the demonstration setup, functionality and benefit to the viewer of the demonstration. Technical background discussion can be presented at the actual demonstration or can be submitted as an industry track or regular conference paper; the focus of the demonstrations themselves should be to show the functionality to viewers. Demonstrations are expected to be highly interactive.
Topics for demonstrations include but are not limited to:
- Affective computing
- Augmented cognition (AugCog)
- Body area network
- Brain-computer interface
- Cognitive informatics and media
- Cognitive linguistics
- Cognitive robotics
- Cognitive science
- Ethology-inspired engineering
- Etho-robotics
- 3D visualization and interaction
- Future internet
- Human-computer and Human-robot interaction
- Space research
- Interactive systems engineering
- Media Informatics
- Multimodal interaction
- Real and virtual avatars
- Sensory substitution & sensorimotor extension
- Teleoperation
- Virtual Reality Technologies and Scientific Visualization
Demonstrations ideally showcase a system or application that clearly underlines the benefit of using and deploying cognitive infocommunications technologies. In addition, tools and basic technologies that implement or use cognitive infocommunications or cognitive infocommunications approaches are invited for demonstration. Any devices or hardware/software developments which build on, take into account and/or enable interaction between various levels of natural/artificial cognitive capabilities are welcome!
Demonstration Setup
The demonstrations are planned to be a single event during the conference, open to all conference attendees, with the goal of open and constructive discussions. One table will be provided with power as well as Internet connection. Posters can be displayed behind or next to the tables (depending on the space) either on pin boards or the wall. Demonstrators must bring any additional equipment they require as no equipment will be provided by the conference.
Demonstration Submissions
Authors submitting papers to the demonstrations must submit a 1/2-page paper that clearly outlines the demonstration that will be set up and the functionality a visitor to the demonstration can observe. The technical background, such as the architecture or algorithms, should not be described in detail; such a description would best be submitted to the industry track or main conference paper track. Including links to supporting material, e.g. a video on the web or a web-based demo itself, is highly encouraged. All submissions must follow the specific submission guidelines on the COGINFOCOM2012 web page. The accepted demonstration submissions will be included in the conference proceedings. Please kindly indicate the intention of your DEMO participation via e-mail at your earliest convenience in order to help the organization of the event. Please include "[COGINFOCOM2012-DEMO]" in the subject of your emails and send them to @email.
Authors’ Schedule
- Full paper submission: September 15, 2012
- Notification deadline: October 15, 2012
- Final paper submission: November 10, 2012
Important Dates
- Demo Submission: 15 October, 2012
- Notification: 10 November, 2012
- Conference: 2-5th December, 2012 at the Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia