Sino-HU Workshop on Big Data Meets Mobile Cloud
A "Key Technologies of Cloud Integration Platform for Mobile Environment" c. háromoldalú (kínai-angol-magyar) együttműködés keretében a Párhuzamos és Elosztott Rendszerek Kutatólaboratórium egésznapos workshopot tart, melyre minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
- 9:00-9:15: Opening address, Dr. Robert Lovas, MTA SZTAKI
- 9:15-9:40: Container-Based Cloud Platform for Mobile Computation Offloading, Prof. Song Wu, HUST,
- 9:40-10:05: An Overview of EU Project COLA (Scalable cloud applications), Dr. Jozsef Kovacs, MTA SZTAKI
- 10:05-10:20: Container-Based Educational and Research Platform, Attila Farkas, MTA SZTAKI
- 10:20-10:45: Tea/Coffee break
- 10:45-11:10: Phoenix Chain: The Practice of Blockchain, Prof. Jiang Xiao, HUST
- 11:10-11:35: The Flowbster cloud-oriented workflow system for processing large scientific data sets, Prof. Peter Kacsuk, MTA SZTAKI
- 11:35-11:50: Supporting Mapreduce applications in hybrid clouds, Eniko Nagy, MTA SZTAKI/Obuda University
- 12:00-14:00: Lunch (Trófea restaurant)
- 14:00-14:25: An Overview of EU Project ENTICE (Cloud VM optimization), Dr. Attila Marosi, MTA SZTAKI
- 14:25-14:50: Hardware/software cooperative caching for hybrid DRAM/NVM memory architectures, Dr. Haikun Liu, HUST
- 14:50-15:15: Distributively Computing Random Walk Betweenness Centrality in Linear Time, Dr. Qiang-Sheng Hua, HUST
- 15:15-15:40: Tea/Coffee break
- 15:40-16:05: Clouds and containers for grand challenge applications (Docker@SZTAKI and Agrodat), Dr. Robert Lovas, MTA SZTAKI
- 16:05-17:00: Group Discussion
- International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (2015DFE12860)
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
- University of Essex, UK