András Micsik, Ph.D.
senior research fellow
+36 1 279 6248
+36 1 279 6200
1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi u. 11.
Room number
L 309
Dr. András Micsik is a team leader within the Department of Distributed Systems at MTA SZTAKI. Recently, he works on the application of Semantic Web and Linked Open Data in various areas such as e-science or cloud computing. He contributed to several international research projects in the topics of software services, metadata vocabularies, semantic interoperability, digital libraries, etc.
- DRAFT: Developing and implementing the semantic interoperability recommendations of the EOSC Interoperability Framework
- A maturity model for catalogues of semantic artefacts
- MTMT2 project: technical project manager, architect, scrum master, etc.
- COURAGE project: IT work package leader, lead developer
- BIM Dashboard (Evaluating Building Information Models)
- iLOC - An Indoor Ontology
- OLOUD – Ontology for Linked Open University Data
- Ambassador of Hungary for the European Linked Data Contest
- Co-organizer of Budapest Open Knowledge Meetup
- Our poster "LODmilla: a Linked Data Browser for All" was nominated for best poster award at SEMANTiCS 2014